Image du cours Applied Statistics
Agriculture and Food Processing

The module aims to introduce to students the various properties of Applied Statistics in Food processing and Agriculture. 
In general, the course aims to reach the following end terms:
- knowledge of statistical data analysis techniques or skills,
- translating a research question into a statistical problem.
- solving the formulated problem using basic statistical methods. 
In particular these methods are related to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), confidence intervals test   and regression analysis,
- performing data analysis, interpret the results and translate the conclusion back to the context of the original research question.
Emphasis is put on the exercises, most of which will be done on computer with statistical software (Microsoft Excel or SPSS). 
The examples and exercises are selected based on case studies relevant to student work environment. 
In particular, examples are selected from food technology, agriculture and environmental sciences.

Agriculture and Food Processing

This module has an aim of equipping students with the needed skills, knowledge and attitude in laboratory performance and opening students minds on how food products are made by relating the principle of functionality of food properties and how different reaction cause changes accordingly. This will lay a foundation for future food processing practicals and research .It is designed in such a way that students will read out procedures offered, prepare chemical mixtures, prepare samples and carry out step by step instructions so as to avoid mistakes or unnecessary errors for efficient analysis results. Assignments will also help the learner to clearly understand how nutrients and their functions give the makeup and general stability of food.