
This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to upgrade physical fitness of players. It is intended for learners who have successfully completed the REQF level 4 in football or its equivalent and pursuing REQF level V in football or applying for recognition of prior learning or other related qualifications. At the end of this module, learners will be able to gather Information of football player, prepare and conducting training Programs and assist the head coach in the match competition. Qualified learners deemed competent to this competency shall have ability to take responsibility for the carrying out of a range of defined activities in football activities under non- directive supervision

Course image Assess game Performance of Referee and other referees

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to assess game Performance of Referee and other referees. It is intended for learners who have successfully completed the REQF level 4 in football or its equivalent and pursuing REQF level V in football or applying for recognition of prior learning or other related qualifications. At the end of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the application of laws of the games, evaluate the level of fitness and perform post- match activities. Qualified learners deemed competent to this competency shall have ability to take responsibility for the carrying out of a range of defined activities in football activities under non- directive supervision.