Course image Human Rights in Environmental conservation
Moodle Trainings

This field of study is concerned with social law, social requirements in natural resources management and protocol to be used in land use interventions. Actions to conserve nature and natural resources are closely related to the rights of people to secure their livelihoods, enjoy healthy and productive environments and live with dignity.

The module provides students with the knowledge and tools necessary for integrating human rights in biodiversity conservation and natural resources management. The module explores the navigation of the different sources of law, Application of rights law to conservation and development, and Responsibilities of the state and non-state (Private sector, NGOs).

Moodle Trainings

Apply sequences and series 

1.1. Demonstrate correctly sequences based on function. 

1.2. Demonstrate correctly series based on sequence 

Apply complex numbers 

 2.1. Perform correctly operations of complex numbers based on algebraic properties

 2.9. 2.2. Demonstrate properly trigonometric and exponential form of complex numbers based on algebraic form 2.10. 2.3. Apply properly complex numbers in problems solving based on operations of complex number. Solve ordinary differential equations 3.1. 3.1. Illustrate correctly ordinary differential equations based on derivative 3.1. 3.2. Determine properly the solution to different forms of first order ordinary differential equations based on form of ordinary differential equation 3.1. 3.3. Determine properly the solution to different forms of second order lineardifferential equations based on discriminant

Moodle Trainings

This core module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to maintain computer. The learner will be able to describe the internal components of a computer as well as its peripherals, assemble a computer system, install operating systems and troubleshoot them using software tools and diagnostics, installation of printer and IT security measures. These materials will also assist the student in developing the skills necessary to work as a technician in the field of IT. He/she will also be able to select and arrange different materials, equipment and tools used when doing Computer System maintenance and troubleshooting.

Course image Design of pressurized irrigation Systems
Moodle Trainings

Design layout should be readable and self-explanatory so as field technicians may be able to install the system properly and accurately as per layout. For this, the technician must thoroughly check/study the layout and the legends on it and locate the different main and submain pipes on the layout. If the technician is unable to understand the layout, he, must then consult the site/design engineer to clarify the doubts in his mind.