Information Technology

This module aims at equipping the learner with skills, knowledge and attitudes required to apply engineering ethics that facilitate effective learning at the workplace. After completion of this module, learner will be able to describe ethics concept, apply engineering ethics and Apply professional policy, laws and regulations as well.

Information Technology

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to apply advanced computer literacy. This module is intended to help students pursuing advanced diploma in Information technology. At the end of this module, the students will be able to perform computer base routine task, to produce complex word processing documents, to perform complex mathematical and statistical calculations, process complex reports, to plan and design presentations, to produce advanced presentation, to work collaboratively to improve productivity as well as enhancing productivity by working with macros and use linking and importing features to integrate data and all of these without supervision.

Course image Python and fundamental of AI
Information Technology

This module aims to introduce learners to the rudiments of applying Python programming language in various projects development, what makes it so massively popular, and its benefits and limitations. After completion of this module, learner will be able to apply python concept, developing AI based programs, web development (Server-side), software development, Data analysis as well as system scripting.