you have right to

Say “No” to sexual harassment.
Refuse gifts, promotions, passing marks, etc. in exchange for sexual favors.
Work and learn in a safe and supportive environment.
Request a copy of sexual harassment rules and regulations at your school or workplace, and if they don't exist, advocate for them to be developed.
Confidently report and receive appropriate support and follow-up.

    You have the responsibility to:

    Take sexual harassment seriously and consult trusted individuals when you are unsure of what to do.
    Know and respect the rules and regulations at your school or workplace.
    Avoid unsafe environments or situations that could lead to sexual harassment.
    Collect and save evidence to support your case, when possible.
    Report the incident in a timely way to relevant authorities.


    Here are some things you can say and do if you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable:

    Say “No”. Make it clear that you are not happy with what the person is saying or doing. You can also say, “Never say or do that again” and “Keep your distance”.
    Make it clear to the harasser that what they are doing or saying is inappropriate and that action will be taken if they do not stop.
    Use specific examples to make your point clear.
    Ask, “Do you know that you are committing a punishable offense?”

    Sexual harassment often stops if the perpetrator knows that what he or she is doing is not acceptable. However, if the harassment continues, it is important to act. You will learn more about the steps you should follow later in the lesson.