Course image Occupational learning process
Semester 1

Introduction to occupation

Occupation refers to a person's regular job or profession. It is the type of work that a person is engaged in to earn a living, and can be defined by the activities, tasks, and responsibilities that the person performs as part of their job. Examples of occupations include teacher, accountant, doctor, engineer, writer, and plumber, among many others. The term occupation can also refer to a particular industry or sector of the economy, such as the healthcare industry or the construction industry.

Course image Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development
Semester 1

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to manage own performance and professional development. Particular emphasis is on establishing personal work goals, setting and meeting priorities, analysis information and using a range of strategies to develop further competences to meet the trending and innovative market demands.

Semester 1

Students are supposed to have a basic knowledge of English. The major aim of the present course manual is to go deep in structural mechanisms and grammatical rules of English as they have not been well studied in secondary schools. It is also aimed at helping students master English to help them in their respective courses. It is of great importance to note that learning in an institution of higher learning requires the learner to be critical and creative. Therefore we strongly advise learners not to be bound with class notes, but to extend their learning environment by reading different materials and putting into practice what they acquire in class. This work will be supported by written texts which will be discussed in class. This implies studying their style, content, and their grammatical structure. This will help students develop oral and written skills, which will enable them to take examinations and practical work, not only in English as a course, but also in all other courses taught in English