Course image Heavy Machines Electrical and Electronics Repairing
ToT Btech

This module describes the skills, knowledge and right attitude required to repair Electrical and Electronic systems for construction heavy mobile equipment. At the end of the module, the trainees will be able to assume responsibility of planning, scheduling, supervising and conducting maintenance and repair of Electrical and Electronic systems for construction heavy mobile equipment and preparing technical specifications.

Course image Heavy Vehicle Chassis Repairing
ToT Btech

This module describes the knowledge, skill and attitude required to conduct heavy vehicle brakes, steering, suspension and wheel repair. It is intended for trainees pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Automotive Technology At the end of the module, the trainees will be able to assume responsibility of planning, scheduling, supervising and conducting maintenance and repair of heavy vehicles chassis and preparing technical specifications. The candidate will be able to assess the associated safety risks and take measures to eliminate or control and minimize the risk with managerial skills.

ToT Btech

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and right attitudes required to design vehicle systems including body structure, engine, transmission and driveline. This module is intended for trainees pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Automotive Technology. At the end of this module, the learner will be able to design vehicle body structure, vehicle safety systems, vehicle engine, vehicle transmission and driveline. He/she will be able to independently exercise some initiatives in carrying out defined activities with managerial skills.

Course image Apply Control System Engineering Principles
ToT Btech

  • This module describes the skills, knowledge, and right attitudes required to analyze and design control systems. 
  1. At the end of this module:
  • The learner will be able to describe the control systems of heavy vehicles and Heavy machines systems, 
  • To design Control systems for heavy vehicles and Heavy machines such as production and manufacturing systems, 
  • To Analyze / Interpret existing designed control systems and solve the numerical problems associated with them. 
  • He/she will be able to independently exercise some initiatives in carrying out defined activities at the managerial level.