Agricultural Mechanization Technology

This module is designed to provide undergraduate students with the essential knowledge and skills necessary for conducting effective research. It comprehensively addresses the entire research process, from problem formulation through data collection, analysis, and writing an academic report, laying a solid foundation for their independent research projects. By the end of this module, students will be able to navigate the complexities of research and apply their learning to real-world research endeavors.

Image du cours Applied Statistics and Biometrics
Agricultural Mechanization Technology

The purpose of this module is to employ quantitative methodologies and statistical analysis techniques to extract meaningful insights from agricultural data. Through the application of statistical models, experimental design, and data analysis, this module aims to enhance decision making processes, optimize experimental protocols, and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in areas of agriculture engineering.

 On successful completion of the module the student will be able to:

 1. Apply inferential statistics

 2. Perform Agricultural experimentation design 

 3. Present statistical findings