Electronics and Telecommunications Technology


This module describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor the broadcasting tower equipment, electrical equipment and air conditioner working principle and monitoring the adequate temperature.

At the end of this module a trainee will be able to monitor the broadcasting tower equipment, monitor the required power at broadcasting tower place and monitor the adequate temperature

Electronics and Telecommunications Technology

Antenna & Wave Propagation

Course Summary

This course covers in depth knowledge of Basic antenna principals, concepts of antenna wave propagation, antenna theory, design and measurements.

Course Aims

Providing knowledge of different types of antenna.
Knowledge of antenna measurement methods
Knowledge of radio wave propagation in atmosphere

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
a) Able to explain the basic concept of antenna
b) Able to design the antenna for given application
c) Able to characterise and analyse the antenna from antenna parameters

Curriculum Content

1. Fundamental Concepts: Concept of Radiation (physical meaning), Potential functions & Electromagnetic field, Network Theorems, Radiation Pattern, near-field and far-field regions, basic parameters of antenna (directivity, gain, beam-width, effective aperture, polarization, input impedance, radiation efficiency, radiation resistance and efficiency etc.), Friis transmission equation, Methods of Excitation.
2. Radiation from Wires and Loops: Infinitesimal dipole, finite-length dipole, dipoles for mobile communication, small circular loop.
3. Aperture Antennas: Huygens’ principle, radiation from rectangular and circular apertures, design considerations, Babinet’s principle, Radiation from sectoral and pyramidal horns, design concepts, Fourier Transformation in aperture antenna.
4. Travelling Wave antennas: Analysis and Design of Rhombic antennas and V antenna.
5. Broadband Antennas: Broadband concept, Log-periodic antennas, frequency independent antennas.
6. Reflector antennas: Parabolic reflectors and reflector optics.
7. Microstrip Antennas: Basic characteristics of microstrip antennas, feeding methods, methods of analysis, design of rectangular patch antennas.
8. Antenna Measurements: Antenna Radiation pattern measurements, Measurement of antenna beam width and gain, Polarization measurements. Measurement of radiation resistance, S parameter.
9. Antenna Arrays: Analysis of uniformly spaced arrays with uniform and non-uniform excitation amplitudes, extension to planar arrays, Binomial arrays.
10. Wave Propagation: Propagation of radio waves, mode of propagation Ground wave propagation- Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation, Calculation of field strength at a distance. Sky wave propagation- . atmospheric effects, structure of ionosphere, and its effect on radio waves. Ray path, , ionospheric propagation, skip distance, virtual height, critical frequency, MUF, fading, diversity. Space wave propagation - Reflection from ground for vertically and horizontally polarized waves. Reflection characteristics of earth. Resultant of direct and reflected ray at the receiver. Duct propagation.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

a) Lectures will incorporate break-outs for working in groups on problems
b) Blackboard and white board will be used to share class material, and to enable online discussions.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Description of Work Class Hours Out-of-Class Hours
Lecturers Class room teaching 40 hours 80 hours
Experiments Measurement of antenna parameter & Characterization 20 hours.


i. Antenna Theory Analysis and Design by Constantine A. Balanis
ii. E.C. Jordan & K.G. Balmain, Electromagnetic waves & Radiating Systems, PHI, 2007
iii. Antennas and Wave Propagation by J D Kraus
iv. Antenna Theory and Design by Warren L Stutzman and Garry A Thiele
v. R.E.Collins, Antennas and Radio Propagation, Singapore: McGraw Hill, 1985
vi. Antennas for All Applications by J D Kraus and Ronald J Marhefka
vii. Antenna Theory and Design by Robert S Elliot
viii. Microwave Antenna Theory and Design by Samuel Silver

Electronics and Telecommunications Technology

This module describes essential skills and knowledge required to illustrate power semiconductor devices, power conversion techniques and  application of power converters in electrical power systems. The main focus will be placed on the comprehension of the elementary power conversion structures, their operating principles, and waveform analysis. 

By the end of this module, the trainee will be familiar with advanced techniques for conversion, control and monitoring of electric energy using power semiconductor devices.

Course image Electrical machine control and amplification techniques (parts amplification techniques)
Electronics and Telecommunications Technology

The aim of this course is to train students for being competent in electronics amplifications techniques based on knowledge , skills and attitude get in this modules . for getting these , students must go through the module handout and lab manual for better understanding  

Course image Electrical machine control and amplification techniques (parts of amplification technics for ETT 2A
Electronics and Telecommunications Technology
This  module of machine control and amplification technique , we are going to discuss only on the amplifications techniques . on that, i would like to invite you in this course in order to be familiar with those techniques which we are going to work on it in terms of amplification. this part allow to understand clearly what is amplifier, amplifications process , why amplifier and the requirement for making an amplifier