Course image Introduction to Research Methodology
Production and Manufacturing Technology

This module "Introduction to Research Methodology" aims to equip the student in the TVET related trades acquiring essential knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in the comprehensive research methodology. The emphasis will be put on description of research concept, development and presentation of research proposal. This module provides the ability to conduct a research proposal.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Learning Unit 1. Describe research concept

Learning Unit 2. Develop a research proposal

Learning Unit 3. Present research Proposal

Production and Manufacturing Technology

This module aims at equipping the learner with skills, knowledge and attitudes required to apply engineering ethics that facilitate effective learning at the workplace. After completion of this module, learner will be able to describe ethics concept, apply engineering ethics and apply professional policy, laws and regulations as well.

Production and Manufacturing Technology

This course describes the skills, knowledge and the right attitudes required to perform metal rolling, bending metals, drawing of metals, extrusion of metals, roll different specific shapes, bend different sheets, extrude different sections, drawing wires and cuts some metals for making mechanical systems and machines. At the end of this module, the students at diploma level will be able to roll different specific shapes, bend different sheets, and extrude different sections, drawing wires, cuts some metals and making different profiles and steel structure for making mechanical systems and machines. They will be able to independently exercise some initiatives in carrying out defined activities at professional level.

Course image Advanced Computer Skills
Production and Manufacturing Technology

This module aims at equipping the learner with skills, knowledge and attitudes required to apply advanced computer skills that facilitate effective learning at the workplace. After completion of this module, learner will be able to apply computer fundamentals concepts, design a professional word document, prepare a professional presentation, use spreadsheets, and use the internet and search engines as well as using web based applications software.

Course image Physics Fundamentals
Production and Manufacturing Technology

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to apply physics fundamentals. At the end of this module, the trainee should be able to describe, interpret and apply the introductory concepts of basic mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. It will be useful to trainee to analyze data, solve problems encountered in engineering as well as solving real life problems.

Production and Manufacturing Technology

This module describes the skills, knowledge and right attitudes required to match the  learning process with occupation, develop action plan to meet occupation standards and  relate occupation with the labor market demand. This module is intended for trainees  pursuing Advanced Diploma in all engineering trades. The trainees will be able to identify  the occupation and its learning processes.

Course image Steel Bars Works
Production and Manufacturing Technology

This core module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude to be acquired by the learner to perform: steel bars cutting, steel bars bending and tying in order to make a strong steel bars framework in steel bars workshop or at construction site.

Production and Manufacturing Technology

Machine Drawing

Hence, an engineer should posses good knowledge, not only in preparing a correct drawing

but also to read the drawing correctly. The course content of this book is expected to meet

these requirements.

The study of machine drawing mainly involves learning to sketch machine parts and to

make working and assembly drawings. This involves a study of those conventions in drawings

that are widely adopted in engineering practice.