Enrolment options
DC and AC Circuits: Concepts of direct current, Concepts of Alternating current, Generation of AC voltage, Equations of sinusoidal waveform ,Instantaneous ,Average and RMS value, Response of R,L and C elements, Active ,Reactive power and Power Factor. RL circuits, RC circuits, RLC circuits, Series & Parallel Resonance.
Polyphase Circuits: Generation of 3-phase emfs, their waveforms, equations &phasor representations, Interconnection of 3-phases, Star & Delta connected systems, Voltage & current relations in balanced 3-phase star/delta connections.
Network Theorems (AC & DC):Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage law, Mesh-Current and Node Voltage analysis methods, Source transformation, Superposition theorem, linearity principles, Reciprocity theorem, Milliman’s theorem, Thevenin’s theorem Norton’s theorem their equivalents, Maximum power transfer theorem.