Enrolment options

Automobile Technology

Understand the applications of engineering thermodynamics in real life situations based on propulsion chain

Understand the basics concepts and definitions used in engineering thermodynamics and classify the different types of thermodynamic systems.

Use mathematical skills to solve engineering thermodynamic problems

Broaden an understanding of Work, Heat and Energy

 Explain the condition required in which a system is in Thermodynamic equilibrium and Differentiating reversible and irreversible processes

Explain the working Principle of Cyclic Heat Engine performed a closed system undergoing four successive energy interactions with the surrounding and Heat Engine Cycle performed by a stead flow system interacting with the surrounding

Use zeroth, first, second,and third laws of thermodynamics in solving Thermodynamic problems

 Execute a refrigeration cycle and Domestic refrigerator and Distinguish Heat Pump and Refrigerator

To explan to the out siders the application of  thermodynamics systems in different mechanical systems

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